First we need to setup our project. But we will not start from totally zero. We will use a prepared repository to get a little head start.

So get your PASE shell started on IBM i (either via ssh or calling QP2TERM) and move to the folder where you have your source code directory, f. e. /home/mihael/src.

From there on we will first get a copy of the template project. This is done by cloning the git repository of the template project with the git command line tool. The git command supports cloning the repository via https or ssh.

git clone champions


git clone champions

Note: Depending on your system setup you may have trouble using https. Disabling SSL verification may help getting the repository cloned.

git -c http.sslVerify=false clone champions

The last parameter to the git command is the directory which will be created and which will hold the cloned files from the git repository. You can also omit the last parameter and the git command will clone the repository into folder with the same name as the repository itself.

Alternatively you can download the repository from the download section of the Bitbucket project, transfer it to the IFS (FTP, SSH, …) and then extract it either with unzip or with jar (jar -xf

Any further steps will be executed inside the newly created project folder.

cd champions

Hint: If you have a new project and want to use make as a build tool you can clone my template IBM i repository to get a working project structure.

git clone <your_project_name>


git clone <your_project_name>

Now we got our initial source code version ready to be built. So building will be our next step.